Vilumara family pantheon

This 19th-century Eclecticist-style pantheon was the work of master builder Domènec Balet i Nadal and occupies plots 84 and 85 of the second department of the Poblenou cemetery.

The style is eclecticism, as a mixture of historical elements, more specifically the neo-Egyptian aspect, a popular force for the funerary field. It is enough to mention the main facade of this cemetery designed by Antonio Ginesi (1789-1824) that uses the profile of a false pyramid on three stone steps. The architectural structure of the pantheon reminds us of the mastabas due to its frustoconical shape but with a superior finish usual in classic funerary steles. We find this Greco-Latin reminiscence with the veiled urn that culminates the set. The papyrus leaf-shaped windows that can be found in other pantheons of the eclectic Poble Nou complex stand out.

This project was also presented at the exhibition held in Barcelona in 1896.

Source:; Estudio Iconográfico Can Trinxeria por Fàtima López Perez